Archive | October, 2015

Daily Dental Tip: Whitening Gel

8 Oct


When using whitening gel, find an ADA-approved gel to use on your teeth and read the instructions to understand the process. Then, brush the gel onto your teeth with a small brush, just as you normally would — for at least two minutes. Next, spit out the remaining gel and rinse out your mouth until the gel is gone. Continue using the whitening gel twice a day for fourteen days, or for however long the product is recommended on the instructions. You’ll see results in just a few days.

Fact About #Lumineers

8 Oct

lumineers dr ajs

Lumineers as thin as a contact lens can improve your smile.

Daily Dental Tip: Whitening Strips

7 Oct


Find the appropriate whitening strips. They should be approved by the American Dental Association (ADA) and shouldn’t contain chlorine dioxide, which can actually damage your enamel. Whitening strips should be made of polyethylene and you can find them at your local drugstore or even a supermarket. There will be two strips: one for your lower teeth and one for your upper teeth. Each will be lined with a gel that will help the strips adhere to your teeth.The average cost of whitening strips is about $30.

Fact: Laser dentistry can positively impact your dental health

7 Oct


If you are interested in this service, contact our office today!

Daily Dental Tip: Improve Your Flossing Technique

6 Oct


Take it one tooth at a time. Slide the floss into the space between your gum and tooth. Use the floss to gently rub the side of the tooth in an up-and-down motion. Unwind fresh floss as you progress to the rest of your teeth.

Learn more about #MiniDentalImplants on my website

6 Oct

mini dental implant

We like to educate patients on all the services we provide to help improve your smile! Learn more about #MiniDentalImplants on my website:!